14.09 World Atopic Eczema Day!

14 September is World Atopic Eczema Day!

This year's theme focuses on children and youth living with atopic eczema. #IfYouOnlyKnew atopic eczema does not only have an impact on how they appear, how they feel about themselves and the world around them, it is more than just bodily discomfort. Eczema can have an impact on the individual emotional, social, and personal well-being.

People with atopic eczema may feel depressed, anxious, embarrassed, frustrated or even angry. Because of outer appearance, they may lack the confidence to interact with other leading them to become self-isolated.

Recently, I have another flare - right at my armpit. Residing in a tropical country in Asia - the little red dot. It doesn't really assist to keep the armpit dry because the weather is constantly warm and muggy. I am well aware that stress frequently causes my eczema to flare up. This time, the stress was brought on by my own expectations of performing well in a forthcoming certification. I became angry due to the itching, which led to a social problem at home. My family members would temporarily distance themselves from me in order to avoid reprimands because I would become grumpy and irritated over the tiniest things. Therefore, eczema can affect a person's emotional, social, and personal wellbeing. Be understanding if you or a family member, friend, or loved one suffers from eczema.

I used to pop Zyrtec R for rapid relief from itching before I started my study in aromatherapy. I no longer take antihistamines since, as a certified aromatherapist, I can make my own balm using 100% therapeutic grade essential oils to help soothe and alleviate inflamed skin. The inflammation and itching were greatly decreased after a few days.

If you or they are experiencing emotional or psychological distress, please contact us at holistic.wellness@mirusessentials.com. 

Meanwhile, you can also try our products for an effective relieve and treatment of the inflamed skin - www.mirusbotanical.com.

Have a great weekend ahead!


Mirus Essentials


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